Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Clean Up

J and I have been wanting to pack up a bunch of the glasses we got when we got married {champagne flutes, wine glasses, margarita glasses, martini glasses} since we only regularly use a handful of them. Plus the cabinets that they were occupying is much more suitable for our pantry {since our house is without a true pantry} than the cabinet we were currently using. 

This morning {after a deliciously successful second attempt at making coffee and using that bomb creamer I bought}, J dove right in! Yah! 

We pulled out all of the glasses we wanted to put in storage and wrapped those in newspaper {we're overflowing in newspaper, here} and then moved the glasses that we use more regularly to the cabinet that used to be our pantry. Then we moved the pantry into the larger cabinet that used to house our glasses.

Confused yet??

I don't have any before pics, but here are a couple of afters.

The cabinet that was previously our pantry -- pretty darn small, huh

The new pantry -- so much bigger and it's way easier to see everything that's in there!

Boxes of glasses. We loooved registering for glassware!

Sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get J to take part in some kind of spring cleaning activity {honestly, it's any cleaning activity}, but he's the one who jump-started this one, and I'm so glad he did! 

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