Sunday, September 23, 2012

flip flops.

John's grandparents, Fufi and Popi, got Jack some flip flops for his birthday. They're size 5, so they're a little big ... which means we haven't gotten as much use out of them this summer as was expected.

The first time I tried them on Jack he cried and cried and cried because he didn't like something between his toes. But, today was a different story.

After a particularly messy peanut butter lunch, I had stripped Jack down to his diaper and a t shirt. I don't know why I grabbed them, but I got his flops out of the drawer and tried them on him. Once they were on his feet, he loved them! He was running around and when one would fall off, he'd sit right back down to have me put it back on.

Hilarious and definitely something I want remember.

{and, yes, that's a blackish eye ... i don't think the kid has gone a day without some kind of bruise since the day he started walking}

1 comment:

[darci @ the good life] said...

Nothing better than a sweet baby (fine....ugh, toddler) in flip flops!!!! He is to die for!!!