Monday, November 26, 2012


First of all, I fully realize that we're on the the downhill slide to December and that now Halloween AND Thanksgiving have passed. But, I'm determined to catch up ... so bear with me!

But, when I sat down to finally knock out a post ... BOOM! Blogger tells me I'm at capacity on storage. Ugh! Is upgrading my storage the only option? Please, please, please help me!! I'm mostly blog illiterate and don't know what my options are!

Thanks friends ... hopefully I'll be back in business asap!


Team Europe 2007 said...

I couldn't figure it out either and gave in to the upgrade. Let me know if you find anything out!

Josh and Lindsay said...

That is what we did. I think we paid maybe $10 for the extra storage for a year or maybe a couple, something like that. No problems since!