First of all, no I have not had the baby yet.
So, I'm obviously getting very close (11 days til the due date) to meeting our baby (and finally finding out if there's been a boy or girl cooking away), which means that all the excitement has really started to build. But, along with the excitement comes major anxiety.
I'm pretty sure everyone feels this with the impending birth of their first child, but I'm getting really nervous. The nursery is pretty much finished and we have "everything" ready (adults
really love to call you on this one...), but are we really ready to take on a new little life? Are we ready to be fully responsible for someone else's well-being?
I guess, ready or not, baby M is coming.
Blue Eyed Bride beat me to this exact same post this morning and I couldn't help but nod my head at everything she was saying (except for the second child stuff...I'm not there yet.).
It's so funny, a couple of months ago a facebook friend was close to the end of her pregnancy. She went in to see her doctor and he said since her blood pressure was up she could have the baby the next day. Her post said that instead, she chickened out and set the date for the next week.
I think about her post all.the.time. I think if my doctor were to tell me tomorrow that I could have the baby by the end of the week, I might chicken out, too.
But, the thing is, whether I have the baby this weekend or on the 8th or a couple days after my due date, this baby is coming no matter what. And, no matter what, J and I are going to do the very best that we can do.
So, when I'm asked I usually say we're pretty ready. That J and I are both really excited and anxious and nervous, but most of all, we're ready for the baby to get here so we can start to figure everything out!