Thursday, February 25, 2010

Random Thursday

• So, I'm not really a coffee drinker, but there's this one that I love from Starbucks. Whenever it's cold or nasty or cold and nasty, I have to have it. It's a white chocolate mocha and it's da bomb.

This brings me to a couple of weeks ago. I was grocery shopping {one of the things i loathe} and I saw that Hersheys makes a coffee creamer in a white chocolate mocha flavor! I was so.excited! I didn't buy it then, because, well {I said it earlier}, I'm not a coffee drinker. The last couple of times I've been back to the grocery store I've looked for it but all they had was nasty caramel macchiato and some other flavor that I didn't want either...but the one they didn't have was white chocolate mocha! Ugh!

Since I had struck out at least three times and I had a dinner date at Victoria's with a friend on Tuesday, I hit up a different store in Norman and lo and behold...there it was!! I purchased that sucker without hesitation.

So, that brings us to today. Today was my inaugural go with our coffee maker. 

See, when J and I got married we registered for this gorg Cuisinart coffee maker {that my dad says makes the best coffee}. We got it and the poor thing only gets used when my pops is in town -- about 5 or 6 times a year {come more often parents!}.

This morning, I was hell bent on making coffee and trying my new creamer. So, I put the coffee in and poured the water up to the specific marker and voila! ... so I thought. The coffee maker made all the usual brewing noises, but I only ended up with half a cup of coffee in the carafe! What happened??

As I was cleaning it out ... J noticed that I had not put the lid on the pot. Oops...there's my mistake. Turns out you have to have the lid on the pot so that the liquid will drip down from the top into the pot, not pool in the top with the filter {like it did for me...}. Whoops! 

Maybe my attempt at coffee will be better tomorrow. I'm thinking it can only get better from here, right???

• I get a lot of headaches. And, yes, they're as much fun as they sound. I've been known to go to bed with a headache, but usually, I'm able to relax enough when I'm sleeping that I wake up sans headache. But the opposite thing happened to me today. I went to sleep feeling fine, and woke up with a headache. And, even after my run, the headache was still rockin'. 

• The cruise is just weeks away which means that wearing a bathing suit is just weeks away. Gasp! So, I figured that that this morning was THE morning to do a bathing suit run through. Usually when I make this bad decision, I get nothing out of it. But this morning, I figured out that I have a bunch of cute bathing suits that are definitely cruise-worthy. Yeah! Plus with all this running I've been doing {remember, I'm running a half-marathon?}, I'm not quite as critical of my barely-covered bod. Double-yeah!!

What do you think of this cute suit? I'm not sure I like how the top ties ... but I love the colors and tie-dye/ikat print.

• I know I've mentioned my love for the Olympics, but what I don't love about the Olympics is the fact that they're keeping me from my usual shows. I'm way behind on Vampire Diaries and J and I are behind on Greek, RHoOC and Amazing Race! 

Although I'll be sad to see the closing ceremonies, I'll be glad to get back to my regularly scheduled tv-watching. Plus, I'm thinking the end of the Olympics signals the beginning of the second half of this season of Gossip Girl, plus we're that much closer to Glee coming back! 

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