Thursday, December 2, 2010

fame by association.

So, two of my pledge sisters are pretty big deals, working in ad agencies in NYC. In recent weeks their stars have really risen on the ole fame-o-meter. And, since I'm directly friends with them, then you could say that I'm almost famous, too! What? You don't think it works like that?


L. Mongrain schlepping Tempur-Pedic. I haven't had a chance to ask her why she loves her Tempur-Pedic pillow. Rest assured, as soon as I know the answer, I'll share it. 

And Maria had her tv debut in a Verizon commercial -- one of her clients. If you look closely at the name and pic on the phone around the 5 second mark, you'll see her handy work. (Let me know if the link works. I got it from another friend's fb profile, so I'm not sure just anyone can see it.)

Anyway, I'm sure there are more of them out there, but these two are my most recent famous friends. Kudos to them and me, right?

1 comment:

Emily @ EMILY POSTS said...

I can't believe thats Mongrain! That's hilarious. Good for them!