Tuesday, December 28, 2010

a food poisoning christmas.

J and I were so excited to get down to Austin to spend Christmas with my family and, especially, see our niece and nephew's excitement on Christmas day.

On the drive down, we made the decision to stop at a Dairy Queen in Denton for a late lunch. Ultimately, this would be the decision that did us in.

Feeling fine, we got in to my parent's around 7 on Wednesday night, had a nice dinner and a nice night's sleep. J woke up early on Thursday morning with an upset stomach, etc. Poor guy spent the whole day in bed while my mom and I ran some errands and attempted to get him some medicine from Walgreens. (The Walgreen's debacle is a post of its own, really...) Luckily the meds seemed to work and Thursday night he was able to join the land of the living.

On Christmas Eve we thought we were out of the woods. J felt great and was able to hang out with everyone all day. We went to dinner and enjoyed everyone's company. After dinner is when it hit me. I didn't feel so great. We'd had Mexican and I thought I'd just overdone it on the cheese (queso and cheese enchiladas covered in queso ...). Around 3 am, I got to see it all again. And then around 6, and then maybe 20 minutes later and so on, until about 7:45 that morning.

With a 5 year old and a 2 year old in the house, opening presents started pretty early, but I had to miss the kiddos checking out the stockings and ripping in to all their gifts. I made it out of bed for about 45 minutes around 10 to open my presents with the rest of the adults. But, then it was back to bed for me until around noon.

I was up and down all day, just depending on how I felt. I couldn't even keep water down. And, I haven't even mentioned that J had a bit of a relapse on Christmas day also. He was in bed most of the day, too. Around 7:30 that night (after dinner of course), we both started to feel better, after watching How to Train Your Dragon. (Have you seen it? So cute!)

Needless to say, Christmas day was miserable.

But, since J was feeling pretty good in the morning he was able to take a few pics of the kids opening presents. Maybe I'll post them with my 21 weeks post (which is now 3 days overdue...).

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