Sunday, November 22, 2009

Half-Marathon Training (HMT): Week 1

My first week of training for a half-marathon has come and gone, not without a bit of stress and blood, sweat and tears.

My plan is to do my week 1 training twice, since Thanksgiving would be in the middle of week 2 (and, let's be honest, Austin is entirely too hilly for my fragile week 2 status). So, for my first week, my long run was 4 miles. I know it's not some cross-country trek, but it's longest I've ever run outside and I was definitely nervous.

But, it went great! I ran my first mile on the track behind our house, then my usual 3 mile route. I think I went a little ( .2) farther than 4 miles! And, by the end, I kind of felt like I had more energy to run further. Bring on the 13.1 now!

The only thing I need to work on is my "stretch & strengthening" and my choices of cross-training activities. My only option at this point is walking, but I'd like to get a bike to do some of them. We'll parents have some old bikes at home, but is it worth it to refurbish one of those or would it be better to buy a new one?

I'll get back to you on that one. And, I'll keep you posted my training!

1 comment:

e.bynum said...

Have you picked which half you will be doing? Great job on getting started, if you do it gradually like the plan says you will love it!!! Good luck, hopefully we will be doing the same race soon.